Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A couple small milestones

I checked a few small goals off of my list this week. This week I managed to knock these off...

-25 sales in one month
-At least one sale every day in one week
-A single item getting 20 sales

Celebrating the small victories takes the sting out of the rejections. I'm also approaching another milestone goal I set - $150 in sales in one month. I'm not there yet, but I've got a week left, and am getting very close.

A lot of these goals don't have much to do with action on my part, but I have them anyway. Kind of like the achievements in video games, they give me things to be encouraged about. Some goals I set for the summer that it's time to get working on....

A 100% ESX24 sampler song - My second submission of all times was a song I knocked off to experiment with a new Korg sampler. I did a whole song with nothing but a water bottle and the stuff inside it. It has actually become one of my best sellers over the years. The ESX24 is a software sampler built in to Logic. It's actually much easier to use than my Korg, and is pretty fun to mess with. I'll start working on something similar with this soon.

A song with vocals - I tried one, but it was rejected. There is a lot of irony in the fact that the guy who spends the majority of his life working with choirs has so rarely ever submitted songs with voice in them. My house is often just too noisy to record in - that's the excuse I use. I haven't given up yet. I gotta get this one checked off to maintain some self-respect.

A song made with drum loops created on Ableton Live using Push - I've learned enough about this program and the controller to get stuff done at this point. I'm just being lazy. It's so much easier just to knock stuff out on the software that I already know so well. It will take longer, but it will be good for me. The whole point is that it makes you think about how you write music differently. I need to shove myself out of my own comfort zone to prevent myself from being an old dog who can't learn any new tricks.

Those three are enough for now. I actually have others, but it's time to just pick one and get my butt in gear. I'll post results on ONE of them next week.

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