Tuesday, July 22, 2014

An experiment was carried out....

As a possible solution to the "September thru May" issue of music storage, it occurs to me that I actually have a good bit of storage space for this website that I don't really use. So what if I try hosting some of my OWN songs for a change, rather than farming everything out to Soundcloud? What if....

So here is a short loop that I just knocked off to experiment with. It's actually submission #2 for week #6, although I haven't uploaded it into the queue of AJ just yet. I'm going to upload a batch of three tomorrow. It's uncreatively named the "Staccato Strings Loop." I'll bet you can guess why without even listening, but please do anyway.

Staccato Strings Demo

It's not as dance or pretty as Soundclouds player, but it does the job, right?

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